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Our community makes the magic of Wishery possible.


Join WishBack rewards to earn points for your support and redeem for discounts and gifts.



10 Points



Gold  -  50 Points

Diamond  -  75 Points

Deluxe  -  100 Points

Slumber Party  -  65 Points


Public Events

15 Points




100 Points = $10 off booking

150 Points = Coronation add-on





300 Points = Princess Parcel

400 Points = Video Message

  • How do I earn points for referrals?
    If someone books a party with us who listed your name as their referral on their booking form, you'll earn 10 points for helping us spread the magic.
  • How do I earn points for attending public events?
    If you visit our characters at a public event and post a photo to Facebook or Instagram and tag @wisheryentertainment, you'll earn 15 points for your support.
  • How do I redeem my points?
    Send us a message via our Contact page and let us know what discount/gift you would like to redeem for your points.
  • Do points for past bookings count?
    Yes! We have all past bookings on file and will credit you with any points you may have accrued from booking with us.
  • Do points for past public events count?
    Only public events at or after the time of sign-up contribute to your points credit. Stay up-to-date on Facebook for upcoming appearances you can attend!
  • Can I give my points to someone else?
    No, WishBack points cannot be transferred to another client.
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